Staff ReportITEM 7 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Village of Cottonwood Creek Retail, Site Plan P&Z HEARING DATE: February 15, 2018 STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Community Development/Planning LOCATION: W. Sandy Lake and N. Coppell Road, N.E.C. SIZE OF AREA: 0.98 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: R (Retail) REQUEST: Site plan approval for an approximately 5,860 square-foot one story building for retail, medical and general office uses. APPLICANT: Owner: Engineer: Ajay Kadyan MD Mozar Islam P.E. 148 Bricknell Civil Urban Associates, Inc. Coppell, Texas, 75019 9401 LBJ Frwy # 305 262-573-5937 Dallas, Texas 75243 ajay_kadyan@hotmail.com 469-226-5965 mmi.engineers@cuainc.com HISTORY: This property has been zoned R (Retail) for over 25 years. In 1996, the Villages of Cottonwood Creek, Phase 5, abutting this property was approved. The subject property was included in the preliminary plat as a retail lot, but was not final platted. TRANSPORTATION: Coppell Road is designated as a two-lane collector street, and Sandy Lake as a four lane collector, and both are built to standard. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Single family homes; Village of Cottonwood Creek 5 South - Single family homes; The Woodlands of Coppell East - Single family homes; Village of Cottonwood Creek 5 West – Electric Switching Station; Light Industrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Coppell 2030, A Comprehensive Master Plan, indicates this property as Residential Neighborhood. The description of this land use designation includes the provision that uses other than single family, whose scale, specific location and design which does not significantly impact or impair residential character of the area could be considered. ITEM 7 Page 2 of 4 DISCUSSION: The owner of the property desires to develop an office/retail building in compliance with the existing R (Retail) zoning district regulations which have been in place for over 25 years. This property has been zoned retail prior to the zoning and platting of the abutting residential subdivision known as Villages of Cottonwood Creek, Phase 5. Site Plan Specifically, this proposal is for a one-story, 5,860-square foot building. Approximately one-half is proposed to be occupied with medical office uses and the other half retail. Given the amount of parking provided (45 spaces) there is flexibility in leasing this building for various combinations of general office, medical office and retail uses. It must be noted that restaurant uses would not be permitted as part of this site plan approval. Given the residential adjacency, a Special Use Permit (rezoning) would be required to have a restaurant use. This property will be served by the existing driveway on N. Coppell Road. A six-foot tall solid masonry (brick wall) will be provided adjacent to the existing alley, providing a buffer between this development and the existing residential subdivision. This property is at a lower grade than the adjacent streets and alleys, and therefore grading and drainage studies have been submitted to ensure that the development of this property will not negatively impact the abutting properties. Landscape Plan/Tree Survey As designed, the Landscape Plan is compliant with the regulations of the Landscape Ordinance. Care has been taken to design the site to preserve the largest of the existing four trees on the site. The paving plan and the underground utilities have been located to protect the existing 54” Post Oak Tree at the east corner of the site. In the event that this tree does not survive then it will need to be mitigated. Given that this property is less than two acres in size, a recent a Landscape Ordinance amendment caps the site area required to be devoted to landscaping 30%. This site is exceeding the minimum and is providing approximately 34% of the site in landscaped areas. Overstory trees are being provided adjacent to the alley and along Sandy Lake Road. Along Coppell Road, where the existing overhead power line exists, the applicant is proposing ornamental trees at a ratio of three to one, as provided in the Ordinance. The existing powerlines are closer to the right-of-way on Sandy Lake Road so overstory trees should be able to be accommodated. The establishment of an easement for these power lines is a condition of approval for this site plan and the plat, which is a companion request on this agenda. Building Elevations The building height, at the rear adjacent to the single family homes is proposed to be 21 feet, with no windows facing the homes. The front façade includes a variety of materials and roof lines. The tallest portion of the front ITEM 7 Page 3 of 4 façade is parapet wall extending above the ceiling height for a maximum of 31 feet. The material proposed for back side of this architectural parapet feature (facing the residential) is not specified on the building elevations. Compliance with the following requirement of the regulation of the Retail District will be required: “Flat roofs and parapet walls around flat roofs shall have a cornice, cap or other detail with a vertical dimension equal to at least 3 percent of the height of the building. Whereas architectural feature extends above the roof line, and is visible from a public right-of-way, then the back side of this feature shall be finished of a material that is of the same or similar material as the front of this feature, i.e. brick” The building renderings also include black metal awnings over the windows and doors. However, the Retail District requires the following: “Awnings are limited to canvas, or a lusterless, non-metal material that closely resembles canvas, at least 98 percent of which is a single deep or neutral solid color.” Therefore, the material of these awnings need to be revised be a canvass material, such as sunbrella. Finally, as discussed, this property has residential adjacency on two sides, therefore the following ordinance provision will be strictly enforced.: “All outside lights shall be made up of a light source and reflector so selected that acting together the light beam is controlled and not directed across any bounding property line above a height of three feet. The allowable maximum intensity measured at the property line of a residential use in a residential district shall be 0.25 foot candles.” In reviewing the Photometric Study submitted, it appears that the ordinance provisions will be achieved along the residential property line (far side of alley), however, additional specification as to the location and type of the lighting facilities, security lighting, screening and glare shades will be required at the time of Building Permit. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of Village of Cottonwood Creek Retail Addition Site Plan, subject to the following conditions: 1. There will be additional comments at the time of Detail Engineering Review and Building Permit. 2. Tree removal permit will be required prior to the removal of any trees. 3. Signage shall comply with the sign ordinance and be generally consistent in terms of style, placement and size. 4. All required existing and proposed easements must be included on the Site and Landscape Plans, including the electric easement along the street frontages. 5. Revise the Landscape Plan to correct typos and minor calculation errors. 6. Submission of the location and type of the lighting facilities, security lighting, screening and glare shades will be required at the time of Building Permit, to insure compliance with glare and lighting ordinance. 7. Revise the Building Elevations (Sheet A5-1) to: • replace the metal awnings with a canvass material • Specify color and material of the back side of the parapet wall ITEM 7 Page 4 of 4 • Provide the masonry calculations, per façade in table format • Label all materials in a consistent manner. 8. Submit a color board which indicates the name of the proposed project and show a sampling of all proposed materials in the appropriate color and labeled accordingly. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: 1. Recommend approval of the request 2. Recommend disapproval of the request 3. Recommend modification of the request 4. Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date ATTACHMENTS: 1. Site Plan 2. Landscape Plan 3. Building Elevations 4. Rendering 5. Photometric Study