DRC Report - Site PlanSITE17-10-000192 Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name , Lot 1, BkACOMMENTS Address Case Manager 10/19/2017 Application Complete Date Site Plan - Site Plan Plan Type / Workclass Village of Cottonwood Creek Retail Addition, Lot 1, Block A Project Description Agency Reviewed By Review Date Plan Review Details Building Suzanne Arnold 10/23/2017 No comment; full building package subject to complete review when submitted for building permit Engineering George Marshall 10/26/2017 General - -Label the riser room on the elevation plan - UNRESOLVED General - Grading Plan - -This plans is insufficient for review as there is inconsistencies between the existing ground and topo shown. -Provide more detail on proposed grading. South corner shows a 486 contour next to an existing ground contour of 491. Is there a wall planned? if so, show. -Provide a level of detail that we can see that this project is physically possible to construct. - UNRESOLVED General - Landscape Plan - -Show doors on landscape plan. -Will the power company allow trees to be planted in their easement? -The area in front of the building is shown as paving on the site plan. -Remove trees in front of the riser room doors? -On the landscape plan, show the proposed sidewalk as shown on the site plan - UNRESOLVED General - Drainage Plan - -Provide inlets not flumes. -0.92 CFS is incorrect on both drainage area labels. -0.9 C factor for this site. - UNRESOLVED General - Utility Plan - -Water services will need to be connected to the main along N. Coppell Road not in rear of building. -Provide more labels and calls for proposed features. Doesn't appear there is much difference between the utility plan and the grading plan. -Fix text in notes. -Sewer will need to be min 8" and dedicated to the city from MH to the PL. Include a MH at the property line. - UNRESOLVED General - -Color renderings are inaccurate as they don't show site topology and they indicate cows grazing the a pasture. - UNRESOLVED General - -Remove the Paving plan from the submittal. - UNRESOLVED Standard Detailed Engineering - -FYI comment - There may be additional comments gernerated upon detailed engineering review. -Label zoning on adjacent properties. -Site plan should not refer to other plans not included in the 1 of 4 SITE17-10-000192 Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name , Lot 1, BkACOMMENTS site plan package. (Monument Sign refer to arch. plans) -What is going to happen with this gap in walls in the north corner of the property? -Topography shown appears to have incorrect elevations along northern boundary. -Driveway radius must be 30' with tangents not a PI. -Screening wall is shown to "curve" around alley. - indicate how a curved wall would be constructed. -Remove Site notes that are unnecessary from site plan. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. dimension the fire riser room -Check the calculation of impervious and pervious area as they should add up to 100% -Show proposed lighting facilities on site plan. -Remove labels for slope and length of sewer service from site plan. -Clean up the line work. Clean up the text and labels. -Remove proposed contours from site plan. -Show doors on site plan for building. - UNRESOLVED Fire Tim Oates 10/26/2017 1. Fire sprinkler riser room is required to be a minimum of 64sf, minimum dimension of 8ft. Parks John Elias 10/25/2017 A tree removal permit will be required prior to removal of any trees. A Tree Survey and Retribution Calculations are required per Section 12-34-2 of the Coppell Codes of Ordinances. Planning Marcie Diamond ALL PLANS NEED TO BE CONSISTENT IN SITE LAYOUT, TITLE BLOCK, ACREAGE, SCALE AND ORIENTATION, ETC. PLEASE REVISE ALL PLANS ACCORDINGLY . Site Plan 1. The address for this property will be 150 N. Coppell Road 2. Correct the setback lines: side yards are 30’ and rear yard is 20’ feet when adjacent to residential. 3. The building cannot encroach into the required 60’ front yard setback. 4. Paving cannot encroach into the 15’ landscape setback – adjust the paving north of the driveway, which may require the removal of at least one parking space. 5. Provide stamped concrete band on driveway to Coppell Road 6. Need provide details, materials and colors of proposed 6’ tall screening wall – see attached detail. 7. Rectify the inconsistency of the dumpster indicated on the site plan note #12 on the site plan. The dumpster enclosure cannot encroach into the required 20’ rear yard setback. 8. In Site Data Table, include general and medical office in the proposed uses. 9. The monument sign must be setback a minimum of 10 feet from the property line. 10. Include the existing zoning districts on adjacent properties 11. Include lighting facilities, security lighting, screening and glare shades. Photometric Study is recommended to ensure compliance with the Glare and Lighting Standards of the Zoning Ordinance given the residential adjacency Floor Plan - do not need to resubmit for Planning and Zoning 2 of 4 SITE17-10-000192 Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name , Lot 1, BkACOMMENTS Commission Landscape Plan and Landscape Calculations Exhibit 1. Landscape Plan and Landscape Calculations Exhibit do not match – and neither of them correctly reflects the site plan. The calculations are in error on both. All revisions to the site plan need to be incorporated into the Landscape Plan and the Calculation Exhibit. 2. Correct the Landscape Data Table to show the required/provided trees/shrubs and square footage for each category as follows: • Perimeter Landscaping: _______ sq. ft. required ______ sq. ft. provided Trees (#) required (#) provided • Interior Landscaping: _______ sq. ft. required ______ sq. ft. provided Trees (#) required (#) provided • Non-vehicular Landscaping : _______ sq. ft. required ______ sq. ft. provided Trees (#) required (#) provided • Percentage of Total Site Area devoted to landscaping: _______% It appears (but needs to be verified) that this site meets the perimeter and interior requirements, but is significantly short on Non-Vehicular Landscaping. Sec. 12-34-10 of the Landscape Ordinance states that lots 2 acres or less a maximum of 30% of the lot shall be required to be landscape area, and a maximum of 5% of this landscape area may be enhanced paving (hardscaping), such as decorative plazas, sidewalks, drive aisles, etc. It is recommended that the shortage in Non-Vehicular landscaping be addressed through enhanced paving. 3. Trees along Sandy Lake and Coppell Road need to be Overstory trees (1 per 50 L.F.) not ornamental trees 4. Landscape Islands must be a minimum of 150 square feet. 5. Decomposed granite cannot be counted towards the landscape requirement 6. Need to show existing and proposed utility easements 7. A Tree Survey and Retribution Calculations are required per Section 12-34-2 of the Coppell Codes of Ordinances. A tree removal permit will be required prior to removal of any trees. a. Please note that per this Ordinance, 40” caliper trees could be designated “Historic” . Historic trees must be preserved and cannot be removed unless "hardship" is applied for and approved by the City Council. If a hardship is approved, trees shall be replanted at a replacement ratio of ten inches DBH of replacement tree for each one inch DBH of removed tree or reparation will be made for the appraised value of the removed tree as determined by CLTA (council of landscaping tree appraisers) guidelines. b. It is recommended that the 4 parking spaces at the eastern corner of the site be eliminated, and a determination be made if that 40” caliper Red Oak can be preserved. c. Please contact John Elias, Parks Operation Manager at 3 of 4 SITE17-10-000192 Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name , Lot 1, BkACOMMENTS 972-462-5115 to discuss the provisions of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. Building Elevations 1. Include the proposed building colors and materials, including manufacturer’s specifications on the Elevation sheet. 2. Include the percentage of masonry materials – NOTE: Stucco and Split Face CMU are NOT considered a masonry material in the City of Coppell for these calculations. 3. Include potential attached sign areas, and include a note that all signs will be compliant with Article 29 – Sign Regulations of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance 4. The proposed monument sign can be a Maximum size of 40 square feet, Maximum height 4 feet and must be setback a minimum of 10 feet from street right-of-way. Include sign elevations showing dimensions, total square footage, materials, colors, font, and light source, if any. 5. Submit a color board which indicates the name of the proposed project and show a sampling of all proposed materials in the appropriate color and labeled accordingly. 6. It is recommended that a sight line exhibit be submitted which clearly indicates the proposed building height in relation to the existing homes to the north and east and the elevations of Sandy Lake Road and Coppell Road. 4 of 4