Signed OrdinanceExhibit A – Legal Description BEGINNING, at a 3-1/4 inch aluminum TXDOT disk found for corner in the southeast right-of-way line of State Highway 121 (a variable width right-of-way) and the south right-of-way line of Canyon Drive (60-foot wide right-of-way); said point being the westernmost northwest corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, North 75 degrees, 27 minutes, 09 seconds East, along the said south line of Canyon Drive, a distance of 104.63 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod with “HALFF” cap found for corner in the north line of said Lot 1; said point being in the north line of said Lot 1 and the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left; THENCE, along the said south line of Canyon Drive and the north line of said Lot 1, the following two (2) calls: In a southeasterly direction along said curve to the left, having a central angle of 20 degrees, 50 minutes, 02 seconds, a radius of 460.27 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 79 degrees, 48 minutes, 13 seconds East, 166.44 feet, an arc distance of 167.36 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with “PACHECO KOCH” cap set for corner at the end of said curve; North 89 degrees, 42 minutes, 10 seconds East, a distance of 8.44 feet to a “V” cut in concrete found for corner at the intersection of the said south line of Canyon Lane and the west right-of-way line of Northwestern Drive (a variable width right-of-way); said point being the northeast corner of said Lot 1 and the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right; THENCE, along the said northwest line of Northwestern Drive, the said east line of Lot 1 and the southeast line of Lot 6R, the following seven (7) calls: In a southeasterly direction along said curve to the right, along, having a central angle of 45 degrees, 04 minutes, 36 seconds, a radius of 25.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 22 degrees, 50 minutes, 02 seconds East, 19.17 feet, an arc distance of 19.67 feet to an “X” cut in concrete found for corner at the end of said curve; South 00 degrees, 17 minutes, 50 seconds East, a distance of 382.68 feet to an “X” cut in concrete found for corner; said point being the southeast corner of Lot 1; South 89 degrees, 49 minutes, 07 seconds West, along the south line of Lot 1 distance of 2.85 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with “PACHECO KOCH” cap set for corner; said point being in the said south line of Lot 1 and also being the northeast corner of said Lot 6R; South 00 degrees, 02 minutes, 01 seconds East, a distance of 0.54 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with “PACHECO KOCH” cap set for corner; said point being the beginning of a tangent curve to the right; In a southwesterly direction along said curve to the right, having a central angle of 65 degrees, 20 minutes, 55 seconds, a radius of 181.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 32 degrees, 38 minutes, 26 seconds West, 195.43 feet, an arc distance of 206.44 feet to 1/2 -inch iron rod with “HALFF” cap found for corner at the end of said curve; said point being the beginning of a reverse curve to the left; In a southwesterly direction along said curve to the left, having a central angle of 23 degrees, 11 minutes, 00 seconds, a radius of 219.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 53 degrees, 43 minutes, 26 seconds West, 88.01 feet, an arc distance of 88.61 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod with “HALFF” cap found for corner at the end of said curve; South 42 degrees, 07 minutes, 58 seconds West, a distance of 412.07 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod with “HALFF” cap found for corner at the northeast corner of a corner clip at the intersection of the said northwest line of Northwestern Drive and the northeast right-of-way line of Freeport Parkway (a variable width right-of-way); said point being a southeast corner of said Lot 6R; THENCE, South 87 degrees, 07 minutes, 58 seconds West, along the said northwest line of Northwestern Drive, the northeast line of said Freeport Parkway, the said southeast line of Lot 6R, and along said corner clip , a distance of 26.85 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod with “HALFF” cap found for corner at the end of said corner clip of said northwest line of Northwestern Drive and said northeast line of Freeport Parkway; Said point being the southernmost corner of Lot 6R and the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left; THENCE, along the north line of Freeport Parkway and the said southwest line of Lot 6R, the following six (6) calls: In a northwesterly direction along said curve to the left , having a central angle of 06 degrees, 06 minutes, 53 seconds, a radius of 311.47 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 53 degrees, 13 minutes, 50 seconds West, 33.23 feet, an arc distance of 33.24 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with “PACHECO KOCH” cap set for corner at the end of said curve; North 56 degrees, 17 minutes, 36 seconds West, a distance of 89.18 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod with “HALFF” cap found for corner; said point being the beginning of a tangent curve to the right; In a northwesterly direction along said curve to the right, having a central angle of 08 degrees, 12 minutes, 35 seconds, a radius of 1,124.50 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 52 degrees, 11 minutes, 18 seconds West, 160.99 feet, an arc distance of 161.12 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod with “HALFF” cap found for corner at the end of said curve; North 43 degrees, 02 minutes, 32 seconds East, a distance of 9.45 feet to a 3-1/4 inch aluminum TXDOT disk found for corner; North 48 degrees, 01 minutes, 05 seconds West, a distance of 75.82 feet to a 3-1/4 inch aluminum TXDOT disk found for corner; North 22 degrees, 14 minutes, 28 seconds West, a distance of 85.52 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner; said point being the westernmost southwest corner of Lot 6R; THENCE, along the said southeast line of State Highway 121, the said northwest line of Lot 6R, the following three (3) calls: North 37 degrees, 37 minutes, 18 seconds East, a distance of 145.94 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner; North 41 degrees, 18 minutes, 15 seconds East, at a distance of 134.69 passing a 3-1/4 inch aluminum TXDOT disk found for corner; said point being the northwest corner of Lot 6R and in the south line of said Lot 1; continuing into said Lot 1 in all a total distance of 402.45 feet to a 3-1/4 inch aluminum TXDOT disk found for corner; North 37 degrees, 07 minutes, 38 seconds East, a distance of 256.90 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING: 428,555 square feet or 9.838 acres of land, more or less. CPT L1-2 MTD L1-2PROPERTY LINE PR OPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE450 N. FREEPORT 3 LEVEL OFFICE ARCH 1ST FLR - 100'-0" ENG. 1ST FLR - 497.50' AMSL 2 LEVEL GARAGE ARCH 1ST FLR - 99'-0" ENG. 1ST FLR - 496.50' AMSL LOADING DOCK FREEPORT PWKYNORTHWESTERN DR CANYON DRHWY 121 FRONTAGE NORTHWESTERN DRLANDSCAPE SETBACK30' SIDE YARD SETBACK30' SIDE YARD SETBACK60' FRONT YARD SETBACK60' FRONT YARD SETBACK 30' SI DE YARD SETBACKLANDSCAPE SETBACKLANDSCAPE SETBACK LANDSCAPE SETBACK LANDSCAPE SETBACKPROP. FH (TYP)PROP. REMOTE FDC PROP. FH (TYP) PROP. FH (TYP) MONUMENT SIGN 465 UNCOVERED SURFACE P.S.18'-0"24'-0"18'-0"18'-0"24'-0"18'-0"18'-0"24'-0"18'-0"24'-0"18'-0"18'-0"24'-0"18'-0"GARBAGE SCREEN WALLWATER EASEMENTONCOR EASEMENT ELECTRICAL EASE MENT26'-10 1/4"412'-0 7/8"283'-3"75'-9 5/8"85'-6 1/4"1 4 5 '-1 1 1 /4 " 402'-5 3/8" 2 5 6 '-1 0 3 /4 " 104'-7 1/2"174'-9"400'-4 1/2" 28 1'-7 " 9'-5 3/8" TOP OF PARAPET -48'-6" TOP OF ENTRY 63'-6" TOP OF PARAPET -48'-6" TOP OF MECHANICAL SCREENWALL 63'-6" TOP OF MECHANICAL SCREENWALL 63'-6" ADJACENT PROPERTY PD-272-LIADJACENT PROPERTY "HC" HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT ADJACENT PROPERTY PD-171R5-HCADJACENT PROPERTY "HC" HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT EXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING SIDEWALK NEW SIDEWALK NEW SIDEWALK NEW SIDEWALK NEW SIDEWALK NEW SIDEWALK H W Y 1 2 1 O N R A M P SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE LIGHT FIXTURE, TYP LIGHT FIXTURE, TYP PRI VATE DRI VEPRIVATE DRIVEPRIVATE DRIVEPRIVATE DRIVEH W Y 1 2 1 F R O N T A G E 18'-0"RAMP UP TO GARAGE LEVEL 2GARAGE ENTRANCE 4 5 '-0 " CL 6 3 '-5 1 /4 "146'-8 3/4"15'-0"59'-2 1/4"78'-2 3/8"62'-2 3/8"137'-11 1/2"69'-0 1/8"60'-0"10'-6 53/64"10'-6"10'-0" 9 14 14 15 8 15 14 14 13 13 13 13 11 7 13 13 11 15 9 8 6 5 4 6 12 12 11 6 5 5 15 13 14 14 8 8 14 14 14 9 9 11 7 242121 26 14 21 23 30'-0"30'-0" 8 '-0 "SIDEWALK EASEMENTSIDEWALK EASEMENT 12'-0"12'-0"12'-0"SI DEWALK EASEMENT1 5 '-0 "15'-0"R 35'-5"R 30'-0"R 30'-9"R 30'-2"R 30'-7"R 30'-4"R 30'-6" R 30'-9"R 31'-5"PROP. FH (TYP) PROP. FH (TYP) PROP. FH (TYP) 210'-0" DECEL LANE 249'-9 1/2" DECEL LANE 92'-2 1/8" 6 0 ' F R O N T Y A R D S E T B A C K 6 EXISTING ZONING PROPOSED USES SQUARE FOOTAGE BUILDING AREA BUILDING HEIGHT REQUIRED PARKING LOT COVERAGE FLOOR AREA RATIO SITE DATA "HC" HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OFFICE, PARKING GARAGE 185,700SF OFFICE BUILDING/ 82,763 SF PARKING 63,800SF FOOTPRINT 185,637 TOTAL SF 48'-9" TOP OF PARAPET / 63'-7" TOP OF SCREEN WALL 619 REQUIRED / 728 PROVIDED .42 428,560 LOT TOTAL SF/111,600 SF BUILDING + GARAGE = .26 LOT COVERAGE TRUE NORTH PROJECT LOCATION:HWY 121FREEPORTSANDY LAKE NORTHWESTERN450 N FREEPORT - PROJECT LOCATION CANYON DR plotted:5/27/2021 6:25:50 PMBIM 360://20189.100_VariSpaceCoppell/ARCH_20189_VARISPACE_COPPELL-BIM360_v20.rvtPLANNED DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN 450 N. FREEPORT - VARISPACE 04.19.2021 PD1.01 SCALE: TRUE NORTH 1" = 30'-0"01 SITE PLAN PREPARED BY: BOKA POWELL 8070 PARK LANE #300 DALLAS, TX 75231 972-701-9000 jdockery@bokapowell.com VARISPACE COPPELL ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK A 450 N FREEPORT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS TABLE • MONUMENT SIGNAGE ALLOWED FOR TENANT MONUMENT SIGN AND ENTRY MONUMENT SIGN AS SHOWN ON SIGNAGE EXHIBIT • VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE AS SHOWN ON SIGNAGE EXHIBIT • 18' X 9' PARKING ALLOWED AT HEAD TO HEAD PARKING STALLS ON SURFACE LOT • 18' X 9' PARKING ALLOWED AT HEAD TO HEAD PARKING STALLS IN PARKING GARAGE • ONE LOADING DOCK ZONE PER EVERY 70,000 GSF OF OFFICE • CONCRETE PANELS, CEMENT PLASTERING AND METAL PANEL FINISHES AS NOTED ON ELEVATIONS AND SAMPLE BOARD G1 RAMP UP TO LEVEL G217'-11 7/8"01/PD1.0402/PD1.04 03/PD1.0404/PD1.04 FUTURE ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGERSBICYCLE PARKING EGRESS STAIR EGRESS STAIR GARAGE ENTRANCE GARAGE ENTRANCE 21 23 21 EVEVEVEVEXTERIOR SURFACE PARKINGEXTERIOR SURFACE PARKINGGB GC FORD F-150 4 DOOR CHEVROLET TAHOE HONDA ACCORD 4 DOOR FORD F-150 4 DOOR CHEVROLET TAHOE Volvo V 40G7 G8 G9 plotted:5/26/2021 4:39:03 PMBIM 360://20189.100_VariSpaceCoppell/ARCH_20189_VARISPACE_COPPELL-BIM360_v20.rvtGARAGE PLAN 450 N. FREEPORT - VARISPACE 05/03/21 PD1.03 SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"01 GARAGE LEVEL 1 PLAN SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"02 GARAGE PARKING BAY DIAGRAM plotted:PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN VARISPACE 05.06.2021VARISPACE COPPELL450 N. FREEPORT PARKWAYTBG2001 Bryan StreetSuite 1450Dallas, TX 75201(214) 744- 0757jodi.house@tbgpartners.comSCALE:TRUENORTH 1" = 30'-0"01TREE SURVEY LSP1.010SCALE: 1"=30'60'30'15'5' plotted:PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN VARISPACE 05.06.2021VARISPACE COPPELL450 N. FREEPORT PARKWAYTBG2001 Bryan StreetSuite 1450Dallas, TX 75201(214) 744- 0757jodi.house@tbgpartners.comSCALE:TRUENORTH 1" = 30'-0"01LANDSCAPE PLAN LSP2.010SCALE: 1"=30'60'30'15'5' 100.00° MTL-2 CP-1 CEMENT PLASTER GL-1V VISION GLAZING CP-2 CEMENT PLASTER CP-1 CEMENT PLASTER CP-2 CEMENT PLASTER FUTURE TENANT SIGNAGE LOCATION MTL-2 CP-1 CEMENT PLASTER GL-1V VISION GLAZING CP-1 CEMENT PLASTER ACM-1 AL-2 WOOD GRAIN FINISH ON METAL C-1 CONCRETE (TILT UP CONCRETE WITH LIGHT GREY STAIN) C-2 CONCRETE (TILT UP CONCRETE WITH DARK GREY STAIN)48'-8 1/4"FUTURE TENANT SIGNAGE LOCATION MTL-2 CP-1 CEMENT PLASTER GL-1V VISION GLAZING ACM-1 MTL-2 C-1 CONCRETE (TILT UP CONCRETE WITH LIGHT GREY STAIN) C-2 CONCRETE (TILT UP CONCRETE WITH DARK GREY STAIN) FIRE PUMP ACCESS FUTURE TENANT SIGNAGE LOCATION FUTURE TENANT SIGNAGE LOCATION MTL-2 C-1 CONCRETE (TILT UP CONCRETE WITH LIGHT GREY STAIN) CP-1 CEMENT PLASTER GL-1V VISION GLAZING ACM-1 AL-2 WOOD GRAIN FINISH ON METAL MTL-2 CP-1 CEMENT PLASTER VARISPACE SIGNAGE C-2 CONCRETE (TILT UP CONCRETE WITH DARK GREY STAIN) C-2 CONCRETE (TILT UP CONCRETE WITH DARK GREY STAIN) C-1 CONCRETE (TILT UP CONCRETE WITH LIGHT GREY STAIN) C-2 CONCRETE (TILT UP CONCRETE WITH DARK GREY STAIN)48'-9"481'-6 1/2"plotted:5/26/2021 4:39:02 PMBIM 360://20189.100_VariSpaceCoppell/ARCH_20189_VARISPACE_COPPELL-BIM360_v20.rvtBUILDING ELEVATIONS 450 N. FREEPORT - VARISPACE 04/09/21 PD1.02 SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"04 NORTHEAST ELEVATION SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"02 SOUTHWEST ELEVATION SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"03 SOUTHEAST ELEVATION SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"01 NORTHWEST ELEVATION 48% GLAZING 41% GLAZING 49% GLAZING 49% GLAZING C-1 CONCRETE (CONCRETE WITH LIGHT GREY STAIN) C-2 CONCRETE (CONCRETE WITH DARK GREY STAIN)16'-0 1/2"24'-6 1/2"RAMP UP TO LEVEL G2 C-1 CONCRETE (CONCRETE WITH LIGHT GREY STAIN) C-2 CONCRETE (CONCRETE WITH DARK GREY STAIN) METAL BREEZWAY ACM-1 C-1 CONCRETE (CONCRETE WITH LIGHT GREY STAIN) C-1 CONCRETE (CONCRETE WITH LIGHT GREY STAIN) C-2 CONCRETE (CONCRETE WITH DARK GREY STAIN) METAL BREEZWAY ACM-124'-6"15'-8"plotted:5/26/2021 4:39:09 PMBIM 360://20189.100_VariSpaceCoppell/ARCH_20189_VARISPACE_COPPELL-BIM360_v20.rvtGARAGE ELEVATIONS 450 N. FREEPORT - VARISPACE 05/04/21 PD1.04 SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"01 SOUTHWEST ELEVATION SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"02 SOUTHEAST ELEVATION SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"03 NORTHEAST ELEVATION SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"04 NORTHWEST ELEVATION Exterior Signage Exhibit JUNE 8, 2021 VARISPACE COPPELL VARISPACE SOUTHLAKE VARISPACE Precedent Images VARISPACE Precedent Images VARISPACE SOUTHLAKE VARISPACE Coppell Exterior Signage A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 BUILDING ID (QTY: 1) LANTERN BUILDING ID (QTY: 1) GARAGE FAÇADE TENANT ID (QTY: 4) TENANT MONUMENT (QTY: 1) ENTRY MONUMENT (QTY: 2) VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL (QTY: 5) A3 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD HWY 121 FREEPORT PARKWAYNORTHWESTERN DRIVE A3 A3 A3 A1 A4 A5 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A2 A5 FREEPORT PARKWAYA3 A3 A3 A1 A4 A6 A5 Sign Type A1: Building ID –Lantern Facade (Quantity 1) VARISPACE Coppell Exterior Signage Face lit illuminated dimensional letters. White translucent acrylic face with painted returns to match metal panel. Aluminum letters pin mounted and attached horizontally to structure. “Varispace” copy is approximately 24′-6″ (w) x 2′-10” (h) x 4” (d). “Coppell” copy is approximately 11’-0” (w) x 1’-6” (h) x 4” (d). Power source required. Code: Signs can have an aggregate effective area equal to 0.5 square foot per aggregate linear foot of footage on all streets Sec. 12-29-4.3.B Code Requirements Total Building Façade Linear Length: 1,328 LF Aggregate Effective Area: 664 SF (1,328 * .5) Total Signage SF Allowance with Sign Placement over 36’-0” in building height (MAX): 400 SF A1 NIGHT TIME VIEW Sign Type A2: Building ID –Façade (Quantity 1) VARISPACE Coppell Exterior Signage Face lit illuminated dimensional letters. White translucent acrylic face with painted returns to match metal panel. Aluminum letters pin mounted and attached horizontally to structure. Face and returns painted black. “Varispace” copy is approximately 16′-0″ (w) x 3-’2” (h) x 4” (d). “Coppell” copy is approximately 7’-0” (w) x 1’-0” (h) x 4” (d). Power source required. 1 applied to building façade, 1 applied to garage serving secondary site entry (east) Sec. 12-29-4.3.B Code Requirements Total Signage SF Allowance with Sign Placement over 36’-0” in building height (MAX): 400 SF A2 Sign Type A3: Building ID –Leasing Tenant (Quantity 4) VARISPACE Coppell Exterior Signage Face lit illuminated dimensional letters. White translucent acrylic face with painted returns to match metal panel. Aluminum letters pin mounted and attached horizontally to structure. 4” thick aluminum letters pin mounted and attached horizontally to existing structure. Face and returns painted black. Maximum effective area for each tenant logo is approximately 13’-6” (w) x 3’ (h). Tenant logo/name to be determined. Power source required. Sec. 12-29-4.3.B Code Requirements Total Signage SF Allowance with Sign Placement over 36’-0” in building height (MAX): 400 SF AS SHOWN: 40.5 SF/EACH (162 SF) 21 3 4 5 Sign Type A4: Tenant Monument (Quantity 1) VARISPACE Coppell Exterior Signage Double sided, painted aluminum cabinet with logo of 3/4” thick illuminated dimensional logo. Tenant panels to be removable 4’-0” x 1’-0” aluminum panels with 1/2” thick non illuminated dimensional tenant names attached first surface panel. Accent wrap element with custom powder-coated wood grain texture. Overall monument not to exceed 60 SF. CONCEPT DESIGN SHOWN. FINALIZED DESIGN MAY DEVIATE. Sec. 12-29-4.C.II Code Requirements: Provided that the premises has frontage on more than one street and that the frontage on each street is 500 feet or more, two monument signs are permitted on premises greater than five acres in size as follows: Maximum size—60 square feet. Maximum height—Six feet each. 15 feet from street right-of-way. Sign Type A5: Entry Monument (Quantity 2) VARISPACE Coppell Exterior Signage Double-sided, internally illuminated monument sign on concrete base. Monument sign is approximately 10’-0” (w) x 6’-0” (h) x 12” (d). Sign cabinet to be painted aluminum with push through, white acrylic letters/logo. Include building address in vinyl, approximately 6” tall. Sec. 12-29-4.C.II Code Requirements: Provided that the premises has frontage on more than one street and that the frontage on each street is 500 feet or more, two monument signs are permitted on premises greater than five acres in size as follows: Maximum size—60 square feet. Maximum height—Six feet each. 15 feet from street right-of-way. Sign Type A6: Freestanding Vehicular Directional (Quantity 5) VARISPACE Coppell Exterior Signage Double-sided post and panel directional sign skinned in painted, 1/8” aluminum to fully conceal posts no greater than 2” above the landscaping. Posts to be 2x2, direct bury. Vehicular directional sign is approximately 3’-0” (w) x 4’-0” (h) x 2-1/4” (d). Copy and directional arrow is applied white vinyl. Copy and directional icon is approximately 3” tall Sec. 12-29-3.2.A Code Requirements: Movement control signs may be erected at any occupancy or any premises, other than single-family or duplex premises, may be attached or detached, and may be erected without limits as to number. Each sign must not exceed three square feet in effective area; If a sign is an attached sign, the words must not exceed six inches in height; Each sign must convey a message which directs vehicular or pedestrian movement within or onto the premises on which the sign is located; Sign Effective Area Summary VARISPACE Coppell Exterior Signage A1 A2 A3 BUILDING ID –LANTERN (QTY: 1) BUILDING ID –FAÇADE (QTY: 1) BUILDING ID –FAÇADE TENANT (QTY: 4) 120SF + 18SF 52SF + 7.5SF 40.5SF + 40.5SF + 40.5SF + 40.5SF = 138 SF = 59 SF = 162 SF 359 SF AGGREGATE EFFECTIVE AREA < 400SF MAX SIGN EFFECTIVE AREA TOTAL A4 A5 TENANT MONUMENT (QTY: 1) ENTRY MONUMENT (QTY: 2) SEC. 12-29-4.C.II: VARIANCE NEEDED FOR SIGN TYPES A4 AND A5 SINCE ONE STREET FRONTAGE IS LESS THAN 500 FT AS WELL AS FOR (3) MONUMENTS WHEN MAXIMUM IS (2) TOTAL. A6 VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL (QTY: 5) SEC. 12-29-3.2.A: VARIANCE NEEDED FOR MOVEMENT CONTROL SIGNAGE FOR OVERALL SIZE MODIFICATION GREATER THAN 3 SF. NO VARIANCE ADJUSTMENT NEEDED FOR SIGN TYPES A1, A2 AND A3 BASED ON EXISTING DIMENSIONS. Thank you.