Exhibit A - Legal DescriptionLEGALMSCR i ION
VARNELL ,HOLDINGS,. LLC, a Tea-limited"liabft compmW is the owner of all that contain IA94 acre tract
or parcel ofland aitamed in the Weston Perry Survey, Abstract No.1152 Dallas County, Texas„ andbeitng apart ofa called
3 8.1 acre tract of land as_t3escriled in �olutne 3840, Page 185,. of the Deed. Records of Dallas County, Tex being partof that
tract of land described in Deed to Pearl C. Harrington as recorded in. Volume 97200, Page 1054, Deed Records, Dallas County,
Texas, snot, also being all. ofthat 1.494 acre tract of land demribed.in a deed to VARNELL HOLDINGS LLC, a Teas limited
liability company as recorded: in under Document No. 20120029515.9, Real Property Records;, Dallas County, Texas and being
more particularly descriibed as follows:
B O NN1NC at,a, 2" horn pipe found for the Southwest Omer of said 1.494 acre tit, same corner being:an ell comer in the
East line of Trinity Shores Addition, :an addition to the City of Cogpell as recorded in Volume 2002083, Page 28, Piet Records,
Dallas County, Texas;
THENCE North 04 degrees 22.minutes 53 seconds Nest along the East line of said Tykity Shores Addition, passing at a
distance of 396.99 feat the Northeast corner of Said. Trinity. Shores Aoidi:tion, and continuing in all a total distance of408.94
feet (need calls 415 feet) to a UT' iron rod4ith red tap stw4wd.'14597" set f€ar tthe Northwest corner ofthe tract described
heroin, said 1 #2" iron reel also being in the South line of Sandy Lake Road (variable width fight -of -way) as tlescn'bevd. in the
Right of'( *y Deed to the City.of Coppell as recorded in Volume 9fi076, Page.2747, Real Property Records, Dam Cowrlty,
Texas, said 1/2V` iron and °also Ming the beginningof a curve to •the left laving a radius of2545.00 feet and a chord bearing and
distance of Forth 85 dwees 10 minutes 45.seconds F.aat= 42 47 feet;
THENCE with said curve through a central angle of 0. degrees 57 minutes 22 an arc
seccrndsk length of 42.47 feet to a oceeViron
spike found for comer in the South lime of said Right -of- ay I d on the South line of Sandy Lake Read;
THENCE continuing along the -South line of:said Right -of -Way Deed and the. South Eno -Of Sandy Lake Road the following
bearings and distancest
THENCE South 05 degrees 47 minutes 10 `seconds East it distance of 15.t10 feet to a cut " X" founnd for corner;
THENCE North 84 degrees 06 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 8.00:feet to a steel/rron spr` m foam fore�omer
THENCE 'North 05.+degrees 39.;minutes 24 seconds West'distance o 14.92 feet to a steelliron spike found for co
at the bottom of a concrete retaining wall and being the beginning of a curve to the leftbaving a radius of2545.00 fed
and a chord bearing and distance of North 84 degrs 02 mbufts15 seconds East, 5771 feet;
THE, with said curve through a central angle of l Aogree 17 minutes 57 seconds; an: arc length of'57x71 feet to a st=Vrm
spike foundfor corner at the bottom offsaid concrete retaining wa11;
THENCE North 84 degrees 04 miinutes 04 seconds East a distance of 1.4.14 feet to a ste Aron spike found for m eir at the
bottom of said concretexotaining wail;
THENCE South 07:degrees 02 minutes 13 seconds East a distance:of 18.78 feetto a.steci iron spike found for corner;
THENCE North 82 degrees 57 minutes 4714econds East a distance: of 7.00 feet to a:SteeUiron spike found fox corner;
THENCE North 0.7 degrees 02 minutest 13 seconds West a +Mane pf4.00:feett to a steelTnon spice frond fox caner,
THENCE North 82 de,grees 57 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 12.W feetto a 1l2" ironrod with red. ca
set for the Northeast corner of the t act described herein, UZI' trim root being'in the South line of'said R gbt-of� ay,Deecl and
the 5auth line of 3asrdy I lake Rid and also being in :lhe Wet lure tifa tilled. 3 tract :ctt land co nveyed tci the City Of
Dallas as recordded in Voitume 540, Page.21, Deed Rem*, Dallas Ct ua . Texas;
THENCE South 09 degrees'21 :minutes 49 seconds East:alcmg said West tine of said 3.9 acre tract adistsnee of 419.001cato a
112" iron rod with yellow cap stamped "243"T' found for the Southeast comer of go #raetdescriibed herein; odd 1/2" iron rod
also tieing a northeasterly ..corner of said Trinity Shores Addition;
THENCE :North 87 degrees 30 minutes 44 secorids Nest (basis of bearing from Trinity Shores Addition as morded.. in Volume
2002093, Page 29, Plat Records, Dallas County, Texas) along a northedy lure of said Trinity Shores Addition a. distance of
172.42 feet (deed calls 170: *d) to the POINT Of HE4MMM and containing 65 062 square feet or 1494 acres of land,
more orles&. EXHIBIT "A"