OR 91500-A-558 Carter EstatesANORDINANCE OF THE CITY OFCOPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. __91500-A-558__ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OFTHE CITY OFCOPPELL, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY GRANTING ACHANGE INZONING FROM SF-12 (SINGLE FAMILY-12) AND A (AGRICULTURE) TOPD-248-SF-18 (CH) CARTER ESTATES PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 248-SINGLE FAMILY-18 CALLED HEARING CARTER ESTATES), TOESTABLISH ZONING WHICH IS REFLECTIVE OF THE EXISTING DEVELOPMENT AND LOTTING PATTERNS WITHIN THIS 38ACRES OFPROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OFBETHEL SCHOOL ROAD, WEST OFMOORE ROAD AND NORTH OFBELT LINEROAD (DART ROW) AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED INEXHIBIT “A; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OFTHE DETAIL SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT “A” PROVIDING AREPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING ASAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING APENALTY OF FINE NOTTOEXCEED THESUM OF TWOTHOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS the CityPlanning andZoning Commission andthegoverning bodyofthe City ofCoppell, Texas, incompliance withthelaws oftheState of Texas and pursuant tothe Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance oftheCity ofCoppell, have given requisite notices by publication andotherwise, andafter holding duehearings andaffording afullandfair hearing toall property owners generally, andtoallpersons interested andsituated intheaffected area and inthe vicinity thereof, thesaidgoverning body isof theopinion thatZoning Application No. PD-248-SF- 18 should beapproved, andintheexercise oflegislative discretion haveconcluded that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance andMap should beamended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITORDAINED BYTHE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OFCOPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance andMap oftheCityofCoppell, Texas, having beendulypassed bythegoverning bodyoftheCity ofCoppell, Texas, asheretofore amended, beandthesame ishereby amended togrant achange inzoning fromSF-12 (Single Family-12) andA (Agriculture) toPD-248-SF-18 (Planned Development 248-Single Family-18), toestablish planned development district for single family residents within this38acres of property generally located south ofBethel School Road, west ofMoore Road and north ofBelt 1 TM 46968.2.121610 Line Road (DART ROW)andbeing more particularly described inExhibit “A”attached hereto and made aparthereof forallpurposes, subject tothedevelopment regulations adopted herein. SECTION 2. Thattheproperty shall bedeveloped andused only inaccordance with following development regulations assetforthherein below; A)Abuilding orpremise shallbeused only forthefollowing uses: a.Single-family dwellings, including uses permitted inthe "SF-ED" district. b.Home occupation. c.Such usesasmaybe permitted under provisions ofspecial usepermits, section 12-30-6ofthe Coppell Code ofOrdinances . B)Maximum height regulations will be35feetnor more than twoand one-halfstories high. C)Area regulations. a.Minimum size ofyards. i.Frontyard: 1.50feetinArea1 2.30feetinArea2 3.Where lots have double frontage running through from one street toanother, the required front yard shallbeprovided on bothstreets. ii.Sideyard: 1.Ten percent ofthelotwidth, butinnocaseshalltheside yard formain structures belessthan 20feet inArea 1and eight feet inArea2. 2.Asideyardadjacent toastreet shall not beless than50feetin Area 1and 30feet inArea 2. iii.Rear yard: 20 feet. D)Minimum sizeoflot: Lotarea, width and depths shall be asindicated on theDetail Site Plan, attached asExhibit “A”. E)Minimum dwelling size: 2,000square feet, exclusive ofgarages, breezeways and porches. F)Maximum lotcoverage: Nomore than 25percent ofthetotal lotarea may becovered bythecombined area ofthemainbuildings and accessory buildings, excluding pools andshadestructures. G)Parking regulations: a.Aminimum oftwo enclosed spaces shallberequired tobe located behind the front yardline. b.Garage doors shallnotface any street, unlesssetback aminimum of100feet from property lines adjacent tostreets. H)Typeofexterior construction a.Atleast 80percent oftheexterior walls of thefirstfloorofallstructures shall beofmasonry construction exclusive ofdoors, windows, and thearea above the topplate lineofanexterior wall. 2 TM 46968.2.121610 b.Each story above thefirst floor ofastraight wall structure shallbe atleast80 percent masonry exclusive ofdoors, windows andthe area above the top plate line above anexterior wall. SECTION 3. Thatthe Detail SitePlan attached hereto asExhibit “A” shallbe made apart hereofforallpurposes asdevelopment regulations, arehereby approved. SECTION 4 That theabove property shall bedeveloped and usedonlyinthemanner and forthepurpose provided forby the SF-18 (Single Family-18) District regulations, ascontained in theComprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the CityofCoppell, asheretofore amended and as amended herein. SECTION 5 That allprovisions oftheOrdinances of the CityofCoppell, Texas, in conflict withtheprovisions ofthis ordinance be, and thesamearehereby, repealed, andall other provisions notinconflict withthe provisions ofthisordinance shall remain infullforceandeffect. SECTION 6 Thatshould any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase orsection ofthisordinance beadjudged orheld tobeunconstitutional, illegal orinvalid, thesame shall not affect thevalidity ofthis ordinance asawhole, oranypart orprovision thereof other than thepartso decided tobeunconstitutional, illegal orinvalid, andshall notaffect thevalidity ofthe Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance asawhole. SECTION 7 Anoffense committed before theeffective dateofthisordinance isgoverned byprior lawandthe provisions oftheComprehensive Zoning Ordinance, asamended, ineffect when theoffense wascommitted and theformer lawiscontinued ineffect forthispurpose. SECTION 8. That anyperson, firm orcorporation violating anyoftheprovisions orterms ofthis ordinance shallbesubject tothesame penalty asprovided forin theComprehensive Zoning Ordinance ofthe CityofCoppell, asheretofore amended, andupon conviction shallbepunished by 3 TM 46968.2.121610 afinenottoexceedthesumofTwoThousandDollars ($2,000.00) foreachoffense; andeachand everydaysuchviolationshallcontinueshallbedeemedtoconstituteaseparateoffense. SECTION9. Thatthisordinanceshalltakeeffectimmediatelyfromandafteritspassage andthepublicationofitscaption, asthelawandcharterinsuchcasesprovide. DULYPASSEDbytheCityCounciloftheCityofCoppell, Texas, thisthe dayof 2011. A EST: Z; z' CHRISTELPETTIINOS, CITYSYCRETARY ROBERT E. HAGER, CVYATTORNEY REH /cdbReviewe Revised) 4 TM46968.2.121610 PD- 248 -SF -18 (CH) Carter Estates AREA1isCarter Addition, asrecordedin Vol. 73053pg. 66 D.R.D.C, excluding Lot1 Block1 AREA2isCarter AdditionPhaseII, as recorded inVol. 99242, Pg0012, D.R.D.0and CarterAddition Phase II, ReplatofLots1 2as recorded inVol. 2002035, pg. 00016, D.R.D.0 ADDRESS LOTSIZE ACRES LEGAL DESCRIPTION 417CARTER DR 43,599.77 1.00 BLK1LOT4 PH1 424 CARTER DR 32,147.65 0.73 BLK 1LOT 7 PH1 425CARTERDR 45,972.29 1.05 BLK1LOT3 PH1 433 CARTER DR 46,612.45 1.07 BLK1LOT2 PH1 440 CARTER DR 39,325.51 0.90 BLK 2LOT 2 PH1 500 CARTER DR 41,800.05 0.96 BLK 2LT1 PH1 501 CARTER DR 297,505.26 6.80 LT1ACS 6.8550 PH 2 508 CARTER DR 44,095.41 1.01 BLK2LT12 PH1 509 CARTER DR 48,048.49 1.11 LT2ACS 1.1090 PH 2 516 CARTER DR 41,764.26 0.96 BLK2LOT11 PH1 517 CARTER DR 77,964.00 1.78 LT3ACS 1.7805 PH 2 524 CARTER DR 38,781.20 0.89 BLK2LOT10 PH1 525 CARTER DR 87,797.01 2.03 LT4ACS 2.033 PH 2 532 CARTER DR 47,575.67 1.09 BLK 2LOT 9 PH1 533 CARTER DR 65,651.45 1,47 LT5ACS 1.4684 PH 2 492 CHRISTI LN 37,663.67 0.86 BLK 1LT 8 PH1 500 CHRISTI LN 35,297.31 0.81 BLK 1LT 9 PH1 501 CHRISTI LN 45,751.88 1.05 BLK2LT3 PH1 508 CHRISTI LN 33,568.39 0.77 BLK1LOT10 PH1 509 CHRISTI LN 51,138.61 1.17 BLK 2LOT 4 PH1 516CHRISTI LN 48,286.67 1.19 BLK1LT11 PH1 517CHRISTI LN 52,352.49 1.20 BLK2LOT5 PH1 524 CHRISTI LN 44,331.17 1.02 BILK 1LT 12 PH1 525 CHRISTI LN 40,091.82 0.92 BILK 2LT6 PH1 532 CHRISTI LN 32,159.79 0.74 BLK 1LOT 13 PH1 533 CHRISTI LN 32,674.25 0.75 BLK 2LT7 PH1 540 CHRISTI LN 33,114.62 0.75 BLK1LOT14 PH1 429 EBETHEL SCHOOL RD 27,154.01 0.62 BLK 1LT6 PH1 431 EBETHEL SCHOOL RD 38,157.88 0.87 BLK1LOT5 PH1 509 EBETHEL SCHOOL RD 32,807.31 0.75 BLK 1LT18 PH1 517 EBETHEL SCHOOL RD 30,727.80 0.70 BLK 1LT17 PH1 525 EBETHEL SCHOOL RD 33,330.38 0.76 BLK 1LT16 5'L PH1 533 EBETHEL SCHOOL RD 32,811.55 075 BLK 1LOT 15 LE: PH 1 529SMOORE RD 25,371.90 0.58 BLK2LT8 PH1 EXHIBIT "A" N.T.S.