Filed Plat' STATE OF TEXAS § I THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OWNER'S DEDICATION BEING all of that certain called 0.919 acre lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Singleton Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1493 in the NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: - - _ - City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, being all of Lot A, Block 1, Valley Ranch Center, an Addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, according to the map or plat recorded in Volume 88035 at Page 1680, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.), being the same real THAT, TRINITY LINE INVESTMENT LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company, is the owner of property described as Tract 1, in a Special Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien from Maple Corner, LLC, a Texas limited liability company to Trinity Line the herein described property, and do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein Investment, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, recorded in Dallas County Clerk's Document No. 20210009814 of the Official Public Records of described property as LOT A-R1, BLOCK 1, VALLEY RANCH CENTER ADDITIO , an addition Dallas County, Texas (O.P.R.D.C.T.), being more particuliarly described as follows: to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever the streets shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are BEGINNING at a Cut Cross (X) set in the intersection of the south line of East Belt Line Road, a 120.00 feet wide public right-of-way with the east line of hereby reserved for purposes indicated. The utility and fire lane easements shall be South MacArthur Boulevard, a 110.00 feet wide public right-of-way, being also the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block A, of said addition, open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection a envies, and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the THENCE South 860 17' 17" East, (Plat =South 851 42'35" East) with the south line of East Beltline Road and the north line of Lot 1, Block A, a distance utility and fire lane easements is the responsibility of the property owner. o buildings, 0 20 40 of 202.40 feet (Plat = 202.40) to a 5/8" Iron Rebar with a plastic orange cap stamped "PROBECK 5187" set for the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block A and fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, the northwest corner of Lot BRI, Block 1, of Valley Ranch Center, 2nd Replat of Lots B-Rl & B-BR2, Block 1, recorded in Volume 94053 at Page1452 of reconstructed or place upon, over or across the easements as shown. Said easements the Deed Records of Dallas County,Texas; being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use the same. All and any public utility shall have the right to scale: l"=20' THENCE South 03042'43 West, (Plat = South 04° 17'25" West) departing the south line of East Belt Line Road, continuing with the east line of Lot 1, remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other Block A and the west line of Lot BR-2, Block 1, a distance of 205.26 feet (Plat = 205.26) to a 1/2" Iron Rebar found for the southeast corner; improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, C) maintenance or efficiency of its respective right or ingress or egress to or from and THENCE North 86°17'17" West, (Plat = North 85° 42' 35" West) with the south line of Lot A, Block 1, a distance of 187.60 feet (Plat=187.609 to a 1/2" upon the said easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, NIron Rebar found for the southwest corner of Lot A, Block I in the east line of South MacArthur Boulevard; patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. Any public THENCE North 00°24'42" West, (Plat = North 00110' 00"East) with the west line of Lot A, Block 1 and the east line of South MacArthur Boulevard, a utility shall have the right of ingress and egress to private property for the purpose of distance of205.79 feet (Plat = 205.79 feet) to the PLACE OF BEGINNING containing 40,025 square feet or 0.919 acres of land, more or less. reading meters and any maintenance or service required or ordinarily perfo med by the EAST BELT LINE ROAD Basis of Bearings: Bearings are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, North American Datum 83 (N.A.D. 1983)Texas North Central Zone utility). 4202. Water main and wastewater easements shall also include additional areas of working (720.00 ROW) space for construction and maintenance of the systems. Additional easement area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts, fir hydrants, Floodplain Development P rmit Application No. �� has been filed with the City of Coppell floodplain water services and wastewater services from the main to the curb or pavement line, administrator on J: ___________, 2022. and description of such additional easements herein granted shall be determined by CROSSHATCHED PORTION �.their location as installed. TO BE ABANDONED Floodplain dministrator Date This plat approved subject to all platting ordinan es, rules, regulations, and resol tions of the 5 X5' SIDEWALK ESMT. 15' PUBLIC UTILITY ESMT. (BY THIS PLAT) BY THIS PLAT City of Coppell, Texas. � WITNESS, my hand this the _ ay of ____, 2022. PLACE OF BEGINNING ,,. V84217/P4004 Approve 4 S B6° - BY: TRINITY LINE INVESTMENT, LLC /T/7"E 202,40' 27.5' CUT CROSS SET (X) 5' ; . I I 110' ROW I I o� O�c J97 CRESTVIEW DR 4� CO 0 1004 �qy E BEL TLINE RD m SITE CITY OF Cn 0 00 00 O _ O CID a) COPPELL, TX GRAPEVINE CREEK r ^ \ (CITY LIMIT) !� CITY OF IRVING, TX �G i VICINITY MAP NO SCALE Y 300' X 10' RESERVATIO 5/8 IRS PROBECK 5187 Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Date FUTURE RT TURN LN City of Coppell, Texas __-- -� V88035/P1680 \ rC6 MD MOZHARUL ISLAM (MANAGER) _ D_RQ.�. T-�_ L 3 ¢ �5' PUBLIC UTILITY ESMT. VOL, _�t5o39 P hereby certifies - - - - - - - The undersigned, the Planning &Zoning Commission Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, y STATE OF TEXAS § �� - - - - that the foregoing plat of Valley Ranch Center Addition, Lot A-R1, Block 1, an addition to the City of Coppell COUNTY OF DALLAS § - - was submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission on the -J--0 _ day of &r -, 2021, and the - _ _ Planning and Zoning Commission, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, I --I -- 4, _C30' BL (V-8803�G1680 (LILY zoning} C7 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority in and for the state of Texas, on this day parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, a r (ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT) �4 \ -- ---_L6 personally appeared MD MOZHARUL ISLAM, known to me to be the person hose name _ o- _ - _ _ _ _ } - and said Chairman to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as herein above subscribed. \. ,r o-- I is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed yam- L2 \ - - the same for the purposes and Witness my hand this _ �_ day of _ _ A.D., 2022. { k PROP. 24' FIR LA f • -- consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. PROP. 24' FIRE LANE \ AND ACCESS EA EMENT � s , AND ACCESS EASEMENT , \ J -- ---- ----------------- m (BY THIS PLAT) I� \ (BY THIS EAT) Planning & Zoning Commission Secretary, GIVEN 2022UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS day of v� C3 C9 ___�____----_--- - L City of Coppell, Texas ' z ' ---- -- --o- _-�-L' -'O- CS --- Ysafar KiPAsF? £3 0t3LAK'. \ C���-_ Natary+ bf+-. state of 0 CIO �_41 o ©cps r ; �� ' oI z oR a ��I �J C Ya C� �� O Ii �zt � �o m r M� D�� �� o Z, p ,L�� p o 9025 ��� �o o -< , 0.99 F o 03 �W no C12 I 10.00, ICI Iti 10.03' �/z 1' 'VOLT P. & L. ESMT 10 ' BL (CITY ZONING) 10 B.L. 1 /2 "IRF (C. M.) I D. R DOC 7` PG' 1680 N=7032769.345 � I N B6°/ 7�/ 7a W /87 E=2441538.953 I z - - 601 0' T.P. & L ESMT V- 88035, P-1680 o \ D.R.D.CCTT� LOT B-RI, BLOCK 1 - wCr- o I ( I VALLEY RANCH CENTER w �Z V94053/P1452 o Io I I D. R.D. C.= T ZONEDU o�I 1 No. DATE REVISION 1 OWNER OWNER CONTACT SURVEYOR. TRINITY LINE INVESTMENT, LLC. MD MOZHARUL ISLAM PROBECK LAND SURVEYORS 2. 4117 BERING WAY MMI.ENGINEERSII@GMAIL.COM PO BOX 550695 469-226-5965 CELL PROPERTY ADDRESS. DALLAS, TEXAS 75355-0695 IRVING, TX 7506J 4117 BERING WAY 1301 E Belt Line Rd (214) 549-5349 3' IRVING, TX 75063 COPPELL, TX 75019 TBPELS FIRM NO. 10042600 w o m> "4-O N f-- LLJ J' o� m 0 ENGINEER & APPLICANT - MD MOZHARUL ISLAM,PE CIVIL URBAN ASSOCIATES, INC. 9401' LBJ FRWY, STEIJ05 DALLAS, TX 7524J PH-469-226-5965 EMAIL: MMI.ENGINEERS000AINC.COM 1/2 "IRF (C. M. ) N= 7032757.200 E=2441726.159 EASEMENT CURVE TABLE CURVE # DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD DISTANCE C1 68009'27" 10.00' 11.90, N88°52'50"E 11.21' C2 51009'29" 30.00' 26.79' N29013'22"E 25.91' C3 89029'17" 54.00' 84.34' N48023'16"E 76.03' C4 81048'07" 27.33' 39.02' N45°17'30"E 35.79' C5 13026'28" 26.15' 6.13' S03°16'43"E 6.12' C6 14020'44" 27.00' 6.76' S10024'06"W 6.74' C7 63038'14" 20.00' 22.22' S54°26'09"E 21.09' C8 11'55'07" 184.80' 38.44' N85042'47"E 38.37' C9 19°51'42" 54.00' 18.72' S83012'03"W 18.63' C10 90'48'14" 30.02' 47.57' S47042'56"W 42.75' C11 72002'46" 54.80' 68.91' S40°09'19"W 64.46' C12 17°03'52" 20.00' 5.96' S67038'46'W 5.93' Legend: IRF=Iron Rebar Found IRS=5/8" Iron Rebar Set "PROBECK 5187" CM=Controlling Monument 0.P.R.D.C.T.=Official Public Records Dallas County, Texas D.R.D.C.T.=Deed Records Dallas County, Texas B.L.=BUILDING LINE P.U.E.=PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT V OR VOL= VOLUME PG=PAGE ESMT=EASEMENT EASEMENT LINE TABLE LINE # DIRECTION LENGTH L1 N0005'41"W 7.56' L2 N86 18.71' L3 052;06°W NO3 24 55 E 0.90 L4 S86017'17"E 27.54' L5 S03012'08"W 7.03' L6 N86°18'44"W 31.59' L7 S03°42'43"E 23.77' L8 S86°49'49"E 46.73' L9 S86°53'42"E 14.74' L10 S03°46'39"W 14.00' L11 NOW24'42"W 37.32' 1, Md Mozharul Islam, P.E., Engineer, verify that all franchise utilities have each been contacted and provided a copy of the plat and development proposal and all franchise utility easements and/or abandonments are currently shown. MD MOZHARUL ISLAM, P.E. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS 'z Comm. Eyores 01 � . Notary !D 131ou-4.3 My Commission Expires C7 _�__Z'_ ZZ _ SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS I, Larry A Probeck, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an actual on -the -ground survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell, Tex s. A PYobeck Larry Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5187 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, on this day personally appeared Larry Probeck, R.P.L.S. No 5187, known to me `to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and ccknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in the capacity therein stated. Nftd Given under my hand and seal of office, this day �� b--_-, of _ 202 • • __ A - ------------------------ No y lic in and for theiof Te My commission expires: _ _ REPLAT VALLEY RANCH CENTER ADDI OF r LOT A -RI, BLOCK 1, 0.919 ACRE TRACT �.„�',..,._.•,.. .., SINGLETON THOMPSON SURVEY, ABSTI �Y ALL PRdBEGK CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNT' 5187 r - ►,0-e�,t • \ FOR COUNTY USE ONL Y Filed for Record in the Official Records Of: Dallas County - 1 On: 4/7/2022 12:07:03 PM �f In the PLAT Records Doc Number: 2022 - 202200097922 Number of Pages: 1 Amount: 64.00 Order#:20220407000616 SHEET: 1 OF 1 By: KW PROBECK LAND SURVEYORS PROD#XXXX TBPELS FIRM NO. 10042600 DATE: P.O. BOX 550695 - DALLAS, TEXAS 75355-0695 3-15-22 OFFICE (214) 549-5349 - FAX (214) 348-1149 SCALE: 1 "=20' BOUNDARY - COMMERCIAL HOME BUILDING - PLATTING TEXAS RPLS N0. 5187 DRAWN BY: RTLES - CONSTRUCTION M M I kCT NO. 1493 , TEXAS