Application & check Revised: (',-17 ~7 **MUST RETURN AI,L SIX ~AGE_S OF THIS APPLICATION ' '"" ~I "."./ CITY OF COP?ELL '~ Z~G' APPL ICATTON I, ( 214-462-0022 L. A: R.e_c~es t lng: Specific Use Perm;I.~ B, Des.c.r_/p~io_n_ & J~o..c.~.tioo..of Pr.opertft I. Survey & Abstract,._ SINGLETON..THOMPSp~ ~URVV,¥- APo~TRAOT MO. 2. Ad~lo,~ Name (if applicable): TR~AN~NORTHST~p JOINT VENTURE 3. Lot & Block (~f applicable): N/A Total Number of Acres: 3.554 Acres 5. Location further described:_ .... 200 Feet pf ~.ronta~e on ~outh Side. of_ Beltline Road and approximately 500 feet east of Valley Ranch Centaz C. Zo,ing Requested: SUP Caretaker's Quarters ~. ~r~s,~ Zonin~ .L~t I~dustrial Propp~m4 Zoning SUP .... Dwelling - '~'l~or Area C]assifi- Gross Net* C]assi fi- Gross Net* ~nits/Acre (NoD-Resid. cat,on Area Area ca~ion Acre~ Acres (Re~ld.0n]y) Uses 0nly) *~Zudes m~]~r & ,~ndarv ~horou§h~arem, D. Reason(~) ~or Zonin~ Change (please be ;pacific): SUP for Car. e.take~s _. Quarters for Security Purposes. E. Fee: I (We) hereby certify that the application fee, $ , to cov~r the coa~ of this zonin$ application, has been paid to 19 . Further, I (We) hereby authorize the City o~ Coppell and its employe~s, to enter upon the p~amises herein above described .at all reasonable ti~eS for the purpose of erec:in~, maintaininR, or removing signs to notify the public o~ the pending zoning application amd/or public hearing concerning said applicaCion. I (We) release :tls City o£ Coppel! a.d its employees from liability for any damages which ~ay be inautred to my (our) property in the erecting, maintaini, or removal of said signs. Robert H. Goss Da:e~._ November I6, 1993 O~ners Name: Robert D. Blacketer ~s $ignature~' - Lancaster, TX 75146 Talephon~ ~; (2'14) 227-5788 (- MEMORANDUM DATE: II//q I~"5 t:qE: SIGNED: '" ~-'~'~'~'~i~;~-~_-~:~;}.?.~-~.~:~,:~..~,.-.~ ~ , a~'-- .,~ ~-..~.~ '" .............. ~'~ ......... " -. _ - ..... ~-. .. -...,. ~ .... ~ ........... ~ .. ....... ,,-, ~.*~w~;- ~..' "'~ --. CASH RECEIPT Do,.[~ ,,53 0019270 ~T. ~ ~ A~OUN~ ~A~ ',' .~ ~NCE MONEY ~ '