Application & check PA,Gg.~_~(' THIS APPLICATIO~jj ' CITY OF COPPELL ZONING_ APPLICATION 214-462-0022 A: Requesting: Specific Use Perml~ [ B, O_e_scr./ption ~ Location of. Property.: 1, Survey & Abstract:_._GEORG£ W, JAC_K SURVEY~ A-69.4 2. Addition Name (!f applicable): NOT APPI~CART,R 3. Lot & Block (if applicable): NOT APPLICABLE 4. Total ~umber of Acres; 1-162 OUT OF 10.8419 5. Location further described: ON DENTON T~ ROAD. NORTH OF SANDY LAKE ROAD IN _CITY OF COPPELL C, Zonin~ Requeste~: Er~sen[ Zoning ~ Proposed Zoning ~elltng Floo~ Area Classifi- Gross Net* Classtft- Gross Net* Units/Acre (Non-gesid. cation Area Ar~a cation Acres Acres (R~std.0n[y) Uses 0nly) Commercia ae~ast Special Use Permit ~Ex~.des major & ~eco.dary ~horoughfares.~~ D, Reason(s) for Zoning Change (please be specific): ,.NONE,. A R~.OUP,$T FOi~ Si~.C 7FTC _ U.qE PERMIT [. Fee: ' (We) hereby certify that the application fee, $ 21f~.~0.. , to cover the cost of this zoning application, has been paid to the City of Coppell on ,MARCH 1 5 , .9 95. Further, I (We) hereby authorize the City of Coppell and its employees, to enter upon the premises herein above described at all reasonable times for the 7urpose of erecting, m~intaintng, or removing signs to notify the public of the =ending zoning application sod/or public hearing concerning said application, ~ (We) release Ch~ City of Coppell and icg employees from liability for any da~ which may be incurred to my (our) property ia the erecting, maincaing, or remo~l of said signs. "~ WI~I~ ~~, Date: MARCH 1 5, 1 995 ~e~s ~e: ~GING P~ Re~resenta~ve: . ..~ / A~res~: CB&B JOINT VENTURE LBJ, 3 LINCOLN CENTER. Telephone ~:_(214~ 458-7160 DALLAS, TX. 7524Q x - If] ,f.-