Monument sign info. HLI! I-FF-ZOLL Hu~tt-Zollars. ,nc ,' EnGineering / Architecture i 720 North Post CaA Roacl i Suite 230 / HOuston. Texas 77024 / 713-688-5478 / FAX 713-688-5460 May 9, 1995 The City. of Coppell ! ' City. Council ' P.O. Box 478 · Coppell. Texas 75019 Re: Proposed Monument Sign ' - Taco Bell Corporation Denton Tap Road .. Dear Members of Council: On behaffof Taco Bell Corporation~ we have submiV, ed a reque~ to Mr. Greg Jones, Chief Build/ag Official ask/ng for a variance to the City of Coppell Zoning Ordinance Section 10-5-2, Paragraph C. This Sect/on states that detached monument signs in b~sine~ di~'iC~ shall have a maximum size of 75 square feet. a maximum height of 12 feet and be set back a minimum of 75 feet from each side y~rcL Our waviance request includes the following: PROPOSED MONUMENT SIGN: 1. A maximum size of 65.7 square feet mchiding a l 7.5 square foot back base and a sign area of 48.2 square feet which is less than the 75 square foot maximunx 2. A maximum height of 11 feet, 10 roches mclndir~g the 3 foot high brick base which is less than the 12 foot high maximum. 3. A maximum distance of 72. 5 feet from the north and south side property lines, which is only 2.5 feet below the distance required in the ordinnnce. This is the only. portion of the ordinance that will require a variance. REASONS FOR REQUESTING THE VARIANCE: 1. The proposed Taco Bell Building will be placed approximately 63 feet from the curb of Denton Tap Road which is si~ificantly more than the reqRired minimRm. 2. This site is an interior site not a comer site therefore, any possible -risibility from the intersection is important. 3. Taco Bell has agreed to all other site modifications including building materials which ~411 be brick and not the national Taco Bell standard of stucco. Monument signage will help in Taco Bell identification. 4. Other fast food restaurants in the area have monument signs and therefore Taco Bell should be allowed to have the same competitive signage. ~al;&S · =crt Wort". We, there, fore ask for your kind consideration to allow this monument sign as requestecL Sinc~ely, [....../Di/eaor of planning Associate SONIC TACO BELL Q ~ <1: N O GOODYEAR < Z 0 7-11 I.- Z SANDY LAKE ROAD EXXON 'McDONALD'S K.F,C. LOCATION MAP C. Business loc-~ted on individually platted Ired including individual p~ui sites within z shopping center permitted to erect one monument sign with the following stipulations: Maximum size - 7S square feet Maxim,,m height - I2 feet Setbacks - 15 r'eet from street fight-of-way - 75 feet from property lines other than those property lin~s fronting the street right-of-w~ D. Cra.soline servic~ ~-~r/ons shall mount price per gallon si?_e on mon,,ment signs only. Monument si?-~ that contain the price per g~llon of g~soline sold by that .- business are permitted to erect mon,,ment si~ with the following stipula~:ions: ~la,,~m-m size - 75 Sqttare feet Maximum height - 12 feet Setbacks - 15 feet from street fight-of-way - ?5 feet from property lines other than those proper~y lines fronting the street right-of-way Section 10-~-3 ATI'ACHED SIGNS: Attached signs are permitted in business areas in accor&~nce with the following provisions: A. All signs and their words shall be mounted parallel to the building surface to which they are amdaed, and shall project no more than eighteen (18) inches from tha~ surface. B. Effective area: At,ached signs shall not exceed the following schedules: .. I. .am ar:ached sign located at a height of thirty-six (36) tee: or less, the sign area is limited to one (I) square foot of sign area of each lineal foot of building frontage not to exceed thr~ hundred (300) square feet. 13 Drive Thru //~/~// MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATION 65.70 SQ. FT. 'XX~ 'a~ 'XXXI~ '0~ ~ ~C~S'* ~' UNSPECIFIED RADII=.0 1D DATE INIT~ ECN DESCRIPTION OF CHANCE W .... 70 ACTUAL AREA: 48.2 SF I P/.AI': jDo NOT OUP£;C,-II'E/PROPERr¥ OFi DEC,MR: JBP DATE: 1-9-9.5 SF ROUNO TOP SIGN ?LA£~F£-LI;V£, £~VC. O~,¢ aX. DARE: , JaP 1 -9-95 P. O. ,..EO,,~ ,59043 //'-.,,¥,'..,.\ ii "-,,: · ~ i ',, ! 'i~,--,, ~ 11."/' AD BOARD BRIC K 18"-24" I ; I 5.6' '; TOTAL SIGN AREA 65.52 sf -~ O'T SONIC AD BOARD 7' BRICK 2' / TOTAL SIGN AREA 63 sf ~fOLENANC~.S: 0,u~:N$ONS ~: ,N ,NC~£S u.~.S$ OTM£1~S~: ~m~Em. i UNSPECIFIED RADII=.0 .XX~.03 .XXX~.Ol5 ~S~ I' . ~-~ DATE [~NIT ECN DESCRIPTION OF CHANCE - ~ 1/2 1/2 ACTUAL AREA: 4 SF P/N: i~o ,vor OUp.,_:CArS/PROP_~R?r OFi D$C,VR: JBP DA~"E: 1--9--95 D E CRI PTI O N : , DA TE: ~ PLAST/-LLVE, INC. D~ ~Y: 4 SF DIRECTIONAL I JBP 1-9-95  SHEZT PER~IT ORAWlNG ,,.o. ~o~ ~o,~ o'~'~°A 2 3 8 9 2 ~ o,~