Letter re changes to site NOV 3 1995 · " Eng!neers & Planners j. Mr. Gary Sieb Director of Planning and Community Development Ci~- of Coppell 255 Park~vay Blvd. Coppell. Texas 75019 RE: kakeside Village Phase II. Kroger Store JBM No. 94-892.00 Dear Mr. Seib: Enclosed please find a revised site plan. plat and front building elevation for thc proposed Kroger store at Sandy kake and MacArthur. As you are aware, we have virtually completed site development plans for the referenced commercial developmenc Mr. Ken Griffin is in the process of final review of these plans at this time. Hmvever. thc architect. CDA Architects. has just begun design work on the store itself. You can see from the title blocks on the respective elevations that the architect who prepared the original elevations is not thc architect designing the store. It was necessan' at a rather late hour to prepare the elevations previously submitted to the Ci~'. In beginning their design work. the architect has identified txvo items that require revision. The first invoh'es the fire lane on the west side of the store. In order to make the canopy along the front of the store work as intended. the sidcxvalk at the southwest comer of the building must be squared off. This has been accomplished by reducing the fire lane to 25 feet, and redirecting it slightly. We have been careful to maintain the minimum 10' separation betxvccn the curb and thc property line. This change is reflected on both the enclosed plat and site plan. In addition, the architects found that in order to provide the appropriate parapet wall height at thc front of the building, thc front elevation needed to be raised. This was determined by begiuning at thc rear of thc building at the necessary height for equipment purposes, then projecting fonvard with sufficient slope as necessary to provide drainage to the rear. Thc revised front elevation incorporates this change as well as the sign revisions that you coordinated with Mr. Jeff Kreuger of Kroger. I understand that the S.U.P. ordinance has not 3-et been approved by City Council. We respectfully request lhat these revisions be incorporated into the ordinance prior to it's presentation to the council. Please advise me of an>: other submittal requirements necessary. We will be happy to meet with you and/or the council if necessary. Please feel free to contact mc if you have any questions or need further information. Thanks for 3'our cooperation. JBM Engineers 8: Planners. Inc. Prqject Manager K:~::~s C::..'.. ~lissouri :.'.'~.s M..:,:::e.-,. Io~'a D&.k:s ,.::(,r: ..... ; ...... .A.:.-.'::r. 'l~xas Gr~-..:::..:..,~. South Carolina C;:i..',:F.,,',. Illinois -Jv.:*'.~,.,:' C':.'.3:I'. [.:'-<?r.:. [.)~:d:.'.,, C"_.-' h:z:e'~"';::,."'~.',..: t:"c ' [' '" . ~ , .....:~:. :.. Kansas [,~::!,::::;i:. North Carolina