Presentation material-MasterplnMASTERPLAN 500 South Ervay Bldg. Suite 112-B; Dallas, Texas 75201 Phone (214) 761-9197 FAX (214) 748-7114 Email Address: mplan5OO@aol, com ZONING AGENDA ITEM NUMBER 7 Case File Number S-1108R Presentation Material EXHIBIT A PCS Phone I The mobile unit locks into a cell site and As the unit moves monitors its The host cell scans other through cells, the mobile communications cells in the netw~ and telephone senses the channels inslnJcts the mobile unit to signal from its host switch to the strongest weakening signal ava#able EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D CO LTOI~ DALLAS _  'x r UN~D EXHIBIT K CAE, INET5 ON ~. PAD EXISTING RISER PIFE GRAT F1NI,31-t TO REI"I41N EXISTING iCE PRIIffEC, O EGLilR"ENT 54-ELTEI~, TO REHAIN