Exhibits of area
BEING a 17.0' x 29.0' troct of land located ;n on ex;~jn~ Texa~ Po~er &
L~ht Co. easement ond b~n~ in N:~'fl'~ No. 1555. Joel W';tson Surv~.
Oollo~ CourflT, ond be~ further ~,~.cr~"D~
Comrnenc[n9 ~t the ,ntec~-ffJo~ centerline, ~~nd Old Rod;o
Rood (Royol Lone);
7' 11' [ost a d;~tance of 1,346.8! fee[ olor~ certteH;ne
Thence South 00' 52' 29' West a o';~to~c~ of 31.00 fe~ to the centerp~;nt
of~ Ut~t;es Pole 3/11:e~o dI
Th~EFNorth 89' 47' 11' W atonce of 4.0 feet from the centerpo;nt
of Po~e 5/11 to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
~ ~ 00' 12' 29' E~f 7.67 feet to o po;hr, where
point is o ~uth boundon/ ol e
Thence South 89" 47' ! I' £oat o
d?stonce--~-'5'f 17.0 fee~ to o co~ner;,
The~qce Soutl~ 00' 12' 49' We~ o dlstonce of 29.0 fe~ to o comen.
Thence North 89' 47' 11' West o distance of 17.0 fe~t to o corner;,
Thence North DO' 12' 49' £O~t O dlatonce of 21..35 lee~ to the POINT Or'
I~EGINNIN(~ and CONTAJNIN~' 49.3 ~luore feet or .011.3 ocm troct of lond.
; IS Gl[AY
EE]N(; a 17.0' x 29.0' tract of land located in on ex;~ng Texas Power &
Light Co. easement and bein~j ;n Abstract No. 1555, Joel Wilson Survey,
Oolkzs Court, and be~j further descHb~l
Commenc;n9 at the lntm'se~-ff~on ce~teH;nes ~//~ Otd Rod;o
Rood (Royal Lone);
7' 11' lost o distance of 1346.8! feet olo~ center,ne
Thence South OCT 52' 29' West o ~stonce of 51.00 feet to the centerl~;nt
of ~/e~ Ut~t;es Po~e 3/11:e~a o.i
The~i;.~-'North 8g' 47' 11' W atonce of 4.0 feet from t~e centeq~);n[
of Pole 3/11 to the POtNT OF Bt[GINNING;
~ Nutl~ 00' 12' 29' £~. of 7.67 feet to o point, where said
point la o ~uth boundar7 r~ntz Urtve,~' e comer;.
Thence South 8g' 47' 11' Eo~t~o 17.0 feet to o comer;,
Thence South 00' 12' 49' West o o';stance of 29.0 feet to a cor,e~,
Thence North 89' 47' 11' West a distance of 17.0 feet to o comer;,
The~e North 00' 12' 49' East o distance of 21.33 feet to the POINT Or'
B[GINNIN(~ and CONTNNINC 493 square feet or .0113 ocr~ tract of land.