Application & checkZoning Application at~ of c.~u ~11, ~ 75019 ~14) ]~67~: ~14) 3~0 Name of Applicant: Address: Zon/ng Total Number of Acr~: Applicant is reapon:ible for erecting, main~g and rmoving a sign tn notify the public of the !pending zouLug application. The sign sh~ bm postal ten (10) days prior to the Planning CO. mm_i$$ion ~ecting and shall b~ removed after the City Co~cil'$ approval or disapproval of the al~licatiou. i~'ailure to erect the sign at least ten (10) dayg prior to the Planning Commi~slon heating will r~$ult i~ postponement of the zoning ease untLl this condition is met. deposit ia ~m amount of sixty dollars (~60.00) will be required of the applicant when l:e or she zeque~ra a s~gu, Tu~ ceposit wui ~e re~unu~a by mU ii' ~e sign is r~'mru~ ia goo~l cou¢itiou to tl;e Name of Representative: . Date: