CC approval on 4/8/97 AGENDA REQUEST FORM ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC Consider approval of Case No. S-1127. AFR Oil & Gas Consultants, zoning change from LI (Light Industrial) to LI-S.U.P. (Light Industrial, Special Use Permit), to allow the drilling and production of natural gas on 42.3267 acres of property, located approximately 680' south of Corporate Park Blvd., along the east side of S.H. 121. SUBHITTBD BY:~-[-"~ TM TITLB~ f Director of~Rle~n~ng and Community Services 8TAFF RBCOMM_~z X'"~ls~_~ont I ~proval Den~al HT~F Date of P&Z Meeting: March 20, 1997 Decision of P&Z Com~4ssion: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Lo~y, Jones, ~eeler, C~se, DeFilippo and McCaffrey voting in favor. None opposed. Commissioner Mabry was absent. Approval subject to the Site Plan, Engineering and Fire Department co~ents (attached) and ~e following conditions: (1) Drilling, limited to gas e~loration only, to co~ence onl~ after CalloJo ~1 suooossfu11~ flow (2) ~ the well is dFC, the applicant ~ill re~urn the site to conditions. (3) The S.~.~. for Calle~o ;~ must ~ revised to remove the condition speci~Fin~ that additional ~ells ~ill ~ drilled no closer than 2,~40 feet. (4) There ~ill be on-site supervision off nqatherersU o~ liquids. (5) The route off inqress and egress of the facilit~ ~ill be as ~ith Tx~T approval, tra~ff[c ~ill be allo~ed direc~l~ to and ffrom State Hi~hwa~ ~2~, or to enter, traffic will be allo~ed ~rom ~2~ eas~ on Sand~ ~ke Road to the ~acilit~ and to exit, tra~ffic would ~o on Sand~ Lake Road. Ho access to the site will be pe~itted ~rom Coppell Road. (6) ~t[ff[cial limb2 sources shall ~ shielded ~ron the south and east. (7) Chan~e of o~ership of the property, chan~e o~ operator o~ the ~acilities or violations of the special use pe~it or other ordinances o~ the CitF shall ~e cause for review b~ the ~lannin~ and Zonin~ Co~ission or Cit~ Council which mar direct the ~lannin~ and Zonin~ Co~ission to call a public hearinq to revoke the special use and/or reco~end other appropriate zoning. (8) ~rovision o~ an ener~enc~ preparedness p~an ~hich complies applicable state and federal re~lat[ons. ... crrY OF COPPR~.L PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~TAFF Rl~.~:)RT CASE NO.: ~1197~ AFF. OH, ~ ~AS CONSIN,TANTS P & Z HEARING DATE: March 20, 1997 C.C. HEARING DATE: April 8, 1997 LOCATION: Approximately 390' south of Corporate Park Blvd., along the west side of ~ Road. SIZF~ OF AREA: 42.3267 acres; battery tank area - 6.050 square feet CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: LI-S.U.P. (Light Industrial, Special Use Permi0. APPLICANT: Applicant: Engineer: AFE Oil & Gas ConsulUmts HAP Engineering & Associates, Inc. 5025 ~ Rond, Sui~ 510 1451 Empire Central, Ste. 103 Dallas, TX 75248 Dallas, TX 75247 (972) 661-5959 (214) 630-2005 HISTORY: No zoning history. TRANSPORTATION: State Highway 121 is a AA, four-lane divided to be built in a 450'-wide right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial; South - v~cant; "LI" Light Industrial; East - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial; West vacant; "LI" Light Industrial. COMPR~I4F~NSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property suitable for light industrial and showroom type of uses. Ite~n# 7 DISCUSSION: Ms. Lynn Clark has submitted ~, letter which expresses many legitimate neighborbeod concerns arising out of the experience of drilling the first Callejo wejl. A copy is included in the packet. The location of the proposed second well more than a quarter of a mile farther from residential areas will reduce these negative impacts significantly. Planning staff believes that the greater distance will be sufficient to mitigate the noise problem. While drilling noise is constant all day and all night, it is no louder than most truck and aircraft noise. It is also temporary. Light sources can be shielded. Truck traffic can be restricted from using CopI~ Road, aa it waa previou~y. Operations can be limited to ch~,ing for gas only. Finally, planning staff considers one tank battery for the two wells preferable to two. The battem'y plans should be revised. Also, another location for the tank bata~ may be more suitable. RECO~ATION TO THE PLANNING AJqD ZONING COIVlMISSION: Planning staff recom~ taking under advisement until plans have been revised properly. If P&Z should eject to send the case forward to Council, any approval should be subject to Engineering and Fire Department Comments and, at a minimum, the following conditions: 1. Drilling, limited to gas explomiion only, to commence only after Calle4o #1 is in iwcd,,etion. 2. If the weft is dry, the applicant will re~urn the site to pre-well conditions. 3. The S.U.P. for Callejo #1 must be revimed to remove the condition specifying that additional well-, will be drilled no ¢lo~er than 2,640 feet. 5. Theme will be on-site supervision of "gatherers" of liquids. 6. The route of ingjress and egress of the facility ~ be as follows: with TxD(YF approval, traffic will be allowed directly to and from State Highway 121, or to eater, traffic will be allowed from 121 esot on Sandy ~ Road to ~ facility and to exit, traffic would go west on Sandy Lake Road. No ~ to the site will be ite~ #7 '7. Thc ~i~ will have a land~a~ irrigation system. 8. Tank~ containing liquid~ shall be no taller than 8 feet high and shall be emptied between the hour~ of 12 midnight and 6 a.m. 9. The color of the tanks shall be an earth tone/sandy color. 10. Artificial light sources shah be shielded from the south and east. 11. Change of ownership of the property, change of operator of the facilities or violations of the special use permit or other ordinances of the City ~ be cause for review by the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council which may direct the Planning and Zoning Commission to call a public hearing to revoke the spec~ use permit, and/or recommend other appropriate zoning. 12. Revision of the site plan to ~ow one tank battery consisting of 4 13. Provision of an emergency pre~ plan which complies with applicable state and federal regulations. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approvn~ of the requeat 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take und~ advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATI'ACHMF~NTS: 1) Zoninz Exhibit 2) site 3) Departmental Comments Item # 7 '~.'..,':r'."CT~. '~ j DEVELOPMENT ¥1EW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: $-1127. AFE Oil & Gas Consultants . a zoning change from LI (Light Industrial) to LI-$. U.P. (Light Industrial, Special Use Permit), to allow the dr~t_l_i__ng and production of oil and gas minerals on 42.48 acres of property, located approximately 390' soutk of Corporate Park Blvd., along the west side of Coppell Road, at the request of Sanford and Jason Dvorin. DRC DATE: February 27, 1997 and Marck 6, 1997 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer ($04-$679) COMMENT STATUS: PRELIMINARY Note: Comments based on revised plan submitted at the 3/6/97 DRC meeting. 1. Provide information regarding access to the site. Any access on to S.H. 121 will require approval from TxDOT. 2. A variance needs to be requested for proposed gravel road. 3. Show location of future Freeport Parkway and Parkway Blvd., based on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. DEVELOPMF, NT REVIEW COMMI'ITEE INI'I~ L PI~RLIlI IrlNA RY FINAL Fire Lane required to be within 150 feet of all portions of structures. Fire Lane required to be installed and accepted by the City of Coppell before drilling equipment is brought to site. Fire Hydrant required. Need details on retention system. Fire Lane to be platted. Need Tank details. Install fixed fire suppression monitors. Need compatible on-site foam and equipment. Fire suppression systems to be reviewed and approved by Fire Department before any dril{ing or construction begins. Emergency preparedness plan required to be submitted before construction or drilling begins. Lynn ~lu~d,l Clark lVh'. Pert Virtanen ;':~ NAR ~.'~ .=. 1997 -. ,- City of Coppell Coppell, Texas 75019 ........................ RE: Zoning Change for Oil and Gas Exploration Dear Mr. Virtanen: I have several reservations concerning the requested zoning change near the Oak Bend and Village at Cottonwood Creek residential neighborhoods. Please consider the following concerns: 1. The drilling of the last gas well affected my neighborhood's quiet and peaceful enjoyment of our residential neighborhood, including inside our own homes. The rig went 24 hours a day, which could be heard inside the house. This was very annoying at night when the family was trying to sleep. The continual noise of the drilling was like the continual drip of a leaky faucet that grates on your nerves. 2. The fight on top of the rig lit up my backyard. I had a fi~ll view of this rig from my dining area. 3. What plans have been made for long term removal of the gas from the sight? As experienced last year, a gas line blew up south of Dallas killing two teenagers. What safety measures will be in place to protect the citizens of the neighborhood, not to mention the elementary school? 4. Will the trucks and heavy equipment still be restricted from using Coppell Road? This is necessary due to houses along the road that would again experience considerable noise disturbance and safety issues. 5. I have a very significant concern over the wording of the requested zoning change. The word oil and gas exploration is very frightening. If oil exploration is allowed, the property values would definitely fall. I am from west Texas and I know what oil fields look like, sound like and smell like!! Our whole neighborhood would be a stinky mess. I did not choose to live in the country by a gas or oil field. I chose to live in a city. When I built this house, I checked on the zoning of the vacant land in the area. I was told that land was zoned light industrial. The term was explained to me as allowing a small strip center with 7-11 type stores, a post office (which Gary Sieb has later denied saying), or small warehouses. Nothing was ever mentioned about possible gas exploration. This was not mentioned to me even though the original zoning change was already before the city. Please take into consideration that CoppeH is a family oriented community, that the charm of our city is our quiet country like atmosphere and small town feeling of community and neighborhood. Don't take that away from those of us who live near the proposed gas and oil exploration sight. The city is fighting the DFW airport due to noise. I knew there would be plane noise in the city. I have lived in Coppell since January of 1988. I did not know I would end up living next to a gas field or Page Two or possibly an oil field which wood really be devastating. The city has done so much in the past to protect and keep our city a desirable place to live. Please keep this in mind when considering the zoning change. Thank you for your time and attention to my concerns, which are shared by others. Sincerely, Lynn Clark